Distributor Karet Stempel Flash - Karet Stempel Runaflek - Karet Stempel Resin Distributor Gagang Stempel Kayu / Flash - Jual Mesin Stempel Runaflek / Flash

Murni Karet Stempel

We are reliable professionals with over 30 years of experience. We listen to our customers and work with them to address their needs through innovative solutions of Rubber Stamp in Indonesia.

        Kami adalah Distributor Karet Stempel yang sudah berdiri sejak 30 tahun. Kami bekerja demi kepuasan pelanggan dan atas saran mereka menjadikan Murni Karet sebagai salah satu patner bagi mereka dalam penyediaan Karet Stempel di Indonesia.


You name it and we can provide it. With an experienced staff working around the clock, you can be sure we will get the job done and get it done right at call 08107440007 or sms 08155190007

       Kami akan membantu sebisa mungkin memberikan saran dan solusi yang terbaik kepada anda. Hubungi kami segera di 08107440007 ata SMS ke 08155190007. Telepon dan SMS anda akan kami hargai.

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Hubungi kami   telp . 08107440007  SmS / WA . 08155190007                          
JUAL KARET STEMPEL Flash Runaflek Resin Hitam

(Sell Rubber Stamp) (
VERKAUFEN Gummidichtungen) (Sell Caucho Sellos) (고무 씰 판매 )

- Karet Hitam (Black Rubber) Size. 45x75cm
- Karet Runaflek (Runaflek Rubber
) Large 25x38cm Small 19x25cm
- Karet Flash ( Flash Rubber ) Large 15x33cm Small 10.5x33cm
- Karet Resin/ Cair ( Liquid Rubber ) Weight 1kg

Jual Gagang Stempel Kayu Flash

(Sell stem seal) (Verkauf von Aktien Stempel) (Vender tallo sello) (인감 줄기 매도)

- Gagang Stempel Kayu ( wood-holz-madera-나무 )
   * Gagang Stempel Polos ( plain-llanura-일반 )
   * Gagang Bulat
rounded Size. 2,5 - 3 - 3,5 cm
   * Gagang Bulat rounded Size. 4 - 4,2 cm
   * Gagang Bulat rounded Size. 4,5 cm
   * Gagang Bulat rounded Size. 5 cm
- Gagang Stempel oval
- Gagang Flash플래시
- Gagang Crystal 크리스탈

Jual Mesin Stempel Flash Runaflek
( Sell Engine Seals ) ( Verkaufen Engine Dichtungen ) ( Vender sellos de motor ) ( 매도 엔진 씰 )
- Mesin Stempel Flash for Flash Rubber
- Mesin Stempel Runaflek for Runaflek Rubber
- Mesin Stempel Resin for Liquid Rubber

Kami Jual Tinta Stempel Flash
( selling ink stamp ) ( Verkauf von Tinte ) ( Stempelventa de sellos de tinta ) ( 잉크 우표 판매 )
     * Biru - blue
    * Hijau - green
    * Ungu - purple
    * Merah - red
    * Biru Muda - light blue
    * Kuning - yellow
    * Orange - orange
    * Hitam - black

    * Coklat - brown


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